
The campus of St Paul's is expansive, fresh and extremely well resourced. Over the past ten years, due to significant Commonwealth and State Government funding, St Paul's has been able to add to the school plant two new classroom wings comprising ten general classrooms, four seminar rooms, a computer room, a science laboratory, two specialist music rooms plus music storage and computer facilities, in addition to a new canteen. There has been an addition to staff facilities, significant expansion of the schools administration facilities and doubling of the library floor space. With Government and parent funding, we have also built our wonderful St Paul's Hall, which provides a myriad of opportunities for the community.

Also significant is the development of technology resources that ensure each and every room in the school has access to the most advanced facilities available. We want St Paul's to lead schools into the 21st century in terms of facilities, resources and associated pedagogy.

The school successfully applied for a grant under the Trade Training Centre (TTC) component of the BER. This has now been completed, giving us commerical quality kitchens for the teaching of VET Hospitality and well equipped workshops for the teaching of VET Construction.

Photography below by Andy Warren.

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