Year 10

The commencement of Year 10 has a certain air of familiarity and comfort for students. Students have formed strong bonds with their peers and teachers, and there will be some familiar faces moving through from tutor group teachers last year to CARE group teachers this year. They are accustomed to the routines of daily school life, assessment tasks and general activities. Older students have commented that Year 10 was, for them, the best year, as they are no longer junior students, but also have just a bit less pressure than is felt in senior years.

There is a strong academic focus in Year 10, with preparation and introduction to senior studies throughout the year, including information nights and senior subject selections. Students are also able to receive their RoSA (Record of School Achievement) at the completion of Year 10 or continuing onto senior studies to add to this accomplishment.

This year sees the re-introduction of the Year 10 Retreat, which is an exciting development. Students spend three days forming new friendships and strengthening old ones, as well as reflecting on their journey and future.

Year 10 is also a year of transition for many students. Students often find themselves taking up the first of many ‘adult’ opportunities, such as driving, having a job and increased freedom. There are many experiences at school to complement these opportunities, including curriculum support covering risk taking and safe driving, Careers lessons and the development of individual resumes for students and the completion of the AMOW (All My Own Work) program; compulsory for those continuing on to Year 11. Other important experiences in Year 10 studies include subject excursions, such as the PASS Coaching excursion to a local primary school, the Drama Aspire Workshop, Commerce excursion to Sydney, Visual Arts excursion and many more.

There are also opportunities for leadership as Peer Support Leaders, helping Year 7 students transition into high school and adjust to their new surroundings. Part of the well-being program at school also includes the annual Brainstorm Production in Term 3.

Lauren Rieck

Leader of Wellbeing and Engagement